Author: UUCWC

Council for Faith In Action Priorities for the 2021-2022 Church Year

The Council for Faith in Action (CFA) met in August to discuss its focus for the 2021-2022 church year. While we will continue to support our legacy organizations (See our September article on where contributions go), we will also monitor and fund the following four areas as needs arise this year: • Voting rights/ability to … Continue reading Council for Faith In Action Priorities for the 2021-2022 Church Year

UUCWC Continues to Help

Recent weather related issues caused tragedy in Lambertville, NJ. UUCWC has been there to help. Fisherman’s Mark, Lambertville’s food pantry and social services non-profit, quickly became the organizing group on the ground. Responding quickly, there was a call put forth to UUCWC members and friends for initial supplies, and many responded. As the days continued, … Continue reading UUCWC Continues to Help

Remembering September 11, 2001

On this 20th anniversary of the incredible tragedy of September 11th, 2001, it is important to make space for memory and mourning. That day changed the mundanity of a Tuesday, and the perfection of an expansive blue sky.  That day, one world fell away while another was forced to begin. Each of us must wrestle with … Continue reading Remembering September 11, 2001

Capital Campaign Update

Since our last update, we have made some progress toward finalizing drawings and selecting a contractor. We reviewed two sets of preliminary drawings and agreed that one was clearly preferable as it allows direct access to the sanctuary lobby from the elevator. Farzad Shadzik is currently clarifying details and negotiating with two of the contract … Continue reading Capital Campaign Update

UUCWC Generous To Those In Need–Here’s Where Your Contributions Go

Our last church year ended with an upbeat tone. Despite the challenges of COVID and lockdown, the year was a transformational one for giving and your Faith Expression and Funding Team Ministry (FEFT).  FEFT is the team within the Council for Faith in Action (CFA) responsible for determining how the 50% of the weekly plate … Continue reading UUCWC Generous To Those In Need–Here’s Where Your Contributions Go

Embracing A New Church Year

by Maria Baratta, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees Can we reclaim the word ‘delta’ so that it will once again be used to refer to change rather than a dreaded disease variant? Whether used in a formula for physics, chemistry, math or investing, let’s remember that delta relates to change over time. I think we … Continue reading Embracing A New Church Year

On Gathering Again

This is an edited excerpt from Rev. Kim’s July 24th sermon on reopening and regathering.  You can hear the whole sermon here: For over a century, UUCWC has been building something beautiful, intricate, vibrant and communal.  It has taken the patience and vision of monks creating the gorgeousness of a sand mandala. And, just … Continue reading On Gathering Again