Author: UUCWC

Capital Campaign Project Update

To date, the Steering Committee has twice revised and sent out architectural plans for bids that have come back in the $1.4 – $1.7 million range. In order to move forward with the project without incurring additional income requirements, we have worked with the architect to preliminarily sketch out a plan with a smaller “footprint” … Continue reading Capital Campaign Project Update

Honoring My Time On the Board

Dear UUCWC, I am ending my term on the Board of Trustees. I spent one year as a trustee, one year as vice president, and two years as president. Thank you for an amazing and supportive four years. I often associate four years with high school, and college, and some leadership positions. So much can … Continue reading Honoring My Time On the Board

Policies on When We Call the Police Under Review

by Michelle Hunt, Right Relations Committee In June of 2018, our congregation approved the 8th UU Principle: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in … Continue reading Policies on When We Call the Police Under Review

Countdown to General Assembly

TIME TO REGISTER FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY (GA) 2021 (JUNE 24-27) in Milwaukee! (Virtually) It’s spring and soon UUs from all over will be gathering to meet (virtually) at General Assembly. UUCWC has a long-standing record of having many attend this event of learning, singing, worshipping and doing the work of the UUA.  This year is … Continue reading Countdown to General Assembly

Food Ministry Update

by Mike Muccioli Thank You, Thank You, 1,400 times Thank You! Your generosity is amazing! Last month, the UUCWC Food Ministry asked for your help to provide food related assistance to Luther Arms of Trenton, a low income, non-profit for senior citizens, many with disabilities. You have provided the March food drive with over 1,400 items. Food Ministry … Continue reading Food Ministry Update