Author: UUCWC

Exciting Musical Guests Are Coming This Spring!

by Dr. Erin Busch, Director of Music Ministry

One of my goals as your music director is to bring new voices and musical experiences into our Sunday services. I hope to accomplish this, not only through diverse programming, but also through our guest musician series. I’m … read more.

Allie’s Garden Thrived in 2023

by Al Johnson, Co-chair, Earth and Climate Ministry

Allie’s Organic Garden is tended by UUCWC’s Earth and Climate Ministry to provide vegetables for local food aid programs. We harvested in December with the help of the children from the Children and Youth Family Ministry, who braved … read more.

An Invitation to Pause in the New Year

by Lisa Schilansky, Ministerial Intern

As the calendar inches toward February, the New Year celebrations can already feel far away. Resolutions can feel difficult for some, or clichéd, or perhaps the most life-giving tradition you look forward to each year.

Rather than a suggestion of a resolution, … read more.

Fundraising to Host Music Events

by Nick Mellis, Fundraising Chair

On behalf of Fundraising, I have been busy booking shows for our lovely sanctuary! The lineup includes these seven shows:

February 17, 1 pm, Virtual Moon Walk: Take a walk on the moon using virtual reality glasses, $10 (adults), free … read more.

The Food Ministry Reflects on the Past Year

by Christine Piatek, Food Ministry Team

UUCWC’s Food Ministry (FM) had a busy 2023. Things are not fully back to pre-pandemic times; still, we were able to provide cooked meals and prepared sandwiches as well as donations of money and shelf-stable pantry items. FM’s work last … read more.

Try This Easy Fundraiser

by Steve Saddlemire, for the Fundraising Committee

We started the Raise Right fundraiser a few years ago (thanks to Wendy Stasolla) and, last year, added close to $1000 to the church budget from gift card sales. For those of you who have not yet participated in … read more.

Expressing Gratitude

How often  do we express gratitude for the everyday experiences in our lives?  We asked members of the Stewardship Committee to share how they recognize and express gratitude in their daily lives and here’s what they said.

I express gratitude by supporting organizations like the ACLU and … read more.

The Gifts of Our Faith

by Colleen McCourt, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

As we end another year together at UUCWC, I have been reflecting on all the gifts my family and I have received from our church – from the staff, the tech team, committees, and small group ministries – … read more.

We Cherish Your Generosity

by Anne Godlasky, Stewardship Committee

I probably get more emails on Giving Tuesday than any other day of the year. Many include a faux signature from the leader of whatever nonprofit is imploring me. Someone I’ve never met. Inundated with both needs and wants, choosing where … read more.