Author: UUCWC

A message for April

As April marches brightly forward, I want to offer a few reflections and reminders for all of us.  The continued roll out of vaccines is renewing the energy, relationships, and freedom for many within our community.  We see your joy as you hug your grandchildren and parents.  We celebrate your travel and the sight of … Continue reading A message for April

Council for Faith in Action and Auction Announce Donation Recipient for 2021

For the third year, UUCWC’s Council for Faith in Action (CFA), in conjunction with the Auction Committee, is pleased to announce that 50% of any surplus funds raised in this year’s auction (beyond the budgeted auction amount) will go to Bucks County Opportunity Council (BCOC). BCOC’s goal is to connect residents with resources to thrive. … Continue reading Council for Faith in Action and Auction Announce Donation Recipient for 2021

General Assembly (GA) Registration Is Open

by Holly Bussey, Liaison, UUCWC Denominational Affairs “Circle Round Justice, Healing, Courage” is the theme for the TOTALLY VIRTUAL UUA General Assembly (GA) June 23-27, 2021. There will be something for everyone: music, youth programs, seminars on a wide variety of speakers, guest speakers and terrific lectures. Let’s not forget the services, sermons and justice … Continue reading General Assembly (GA) Registration Is Open

Parental Leave Plan

As many of you know, Tara and I will be welcoming our third child in early May. In anticipation of my leave, the Board of Trustees, Personnel and Finance Committees have approved hiring a part time Contract Minister to cover the 12 weeks of worship and pastoral care during that time. We hope to conclude … Continue reading Parental Leave Plan

A Unique Time To Serve

Each spring the Staff and Nominating Committee come to you excited and hopeful about what new leadership might be discovered in the inevitable turnover of committee and ministry positions. We know that congregational life not only requires all of us but invites each of us into new ways of caretaking and personal growth. It is … Continue reading A Unique Time To Serve

Capital Campaign Update

by Jayme Trott and Susan Vigilante, Co-Chairs, Capital Campaign The Capital Project Steering Committee received bids from 4 contractors ranging from $1.5 million to $1.8 million, not including the trellis. We are investigating different scenarios with the engineers, architect, and contractors to alter the design to fit within a $1.2 million budget. We are also … Continue reading Capital Campaign Update

UUA GA 2021 to be Virtual; Start Planning Now

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA) a 100% virtual event. Let’s reach record-breaking attendance on June 23-27, 2021. Registration is now open. It’s not too soon to consider attending. It’s a connecting experience. Feel free to chat with others who attended last year virtually by contacting Why Virtual General Assembly? General Assembly is … Continue reading UUA GA 2021 to be Virtual; Start Planning Now