Author: UUCWC

Letter From Rev. Kim

Dear Friends, Of all the times I wrote out the script in my head – of our first conversation after sabbatical, I assure you, it did not sound like this. First off, I am still, somehow, I think, within the bounds of my sabbatical though you are in my thoughts and heart more so each … Continue reading Letter From Rev. Kim

Message From UUCWC’s Board of Trustees on COVID-19 Preparations

Thursday, March 12, 2020 See UUCWC’s COVID-19 Response for updates and further changes after this message was written. Dear Congregation of UUCWC: We live in challenging times. Whatever might have challenged us individually before, we are now all, across the nation, faced with the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic. We will meet this together in … Continue reading Message From UUCWC’s Board of Trustees on COVID-19 Preparations

Why I Am Inspired to Lead

Recently in a board meeting we were discussing why people choose to serve in various leadership roles at UUCWC. I thought I would share their remarks as some of you consider stepping in and out of leadership roles. Be part of good things happening. Care about the people here and care about UU and want … Continue reading Why I Am Inspired to Lead

Stewardship and Capital Campaign – A Personal Note

During the February 9th Stewardship and Capital Campaign Kick-off Sunday Service, Laura Wall spoke words that resonated strongly for me. Laura said “I’ve spent my career running non-profit organizations and am currently the Executive Director of CASA for Children, here in Mercer County. For all the work that I do in the community, and for … Continue reading Stewardship and Capital Campaign – A Personal Note

What is All the Brouhaha About General Assembly

What is General Assembly (known as GA) all about? General Assembly is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for our Faith Association through democratic process. QUESTION: Who attends?ANSWER: You can, your children can. Youth can… Anyone may attend. Attendees have the option of becoming … Continue reading What is All the Brouhaha About General Assembly

Capital Campaign/Project Update – January 2020

Susan Vigilante and Jayme Trott – Capital Campaign Project Co-Chairs Have you seen the pictures of the planned church expansion yet? The Capital Campaign Steering Committee had created posters depicting the architectural drawings in hopes that you will be as excited about the plans as we are! Some of the highlights: Improved accessibility with street-level … Continue reading Capital Campaign/Project Update – January 2020