Author: UUCWC

The Role of UUCWC’s Treasurer

by Nathalie Edmond, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees This summer, the Board of Trustees has been focused on re-examining the critical role of the Treasurer in our congregation. At the annual meeting many of you voted in a new Treasurer, Patrick Kahney. Patrick has since stepped out of the role and returned to being a … Continue reading The Role of UUCWC’s Treasurer

Creating Church

This summer and early fall I have had the privilege of working more closely with some committees and ministries than my schedule typically allows. In July I was with the Right Relations Committee where we began to think of covenanting as a practice, and where we wondered how we were accountable to and in service … Continue reading Creating Church

FAM: Assistant ELS Teachers Needed

UUCWC Faith Action Ministry has expanded its English as a Second Language Program! To meet increasing demand, we are starting another class in Robinsville (the original class is in Hightstown). Bill Goodwin (Rev. Goodwin’s husband) has agreed to be one of the lead teachers and we are in need of assistant teachers for both classes. … Continue reading FAM: Assistant ELS Teachers Needed

My Top 10 Foundational Stories

Throughout August we have explored the theme of Story together. During the two Sundays I was in the pulpit I offered you seven different stories for reflection and also shared this past week that there are just a few more that I consider “foundational” to our Unitarian Universalist faith. Below is a list of my … Continue reading My Top 10 Foundational Stories

Welcome to Rev. Sue Goodwin!

I am thrilled to announce that as of July 1, the Rev. Sue Goodwin will begin serving as our Minister of Congregational Life! Many of you are familiar with Rev. Sue’s energy, maturity and open-hearted theology. Sue has been a frequent guest preacher here at UUCWC, and a popular teacher of several of our Adult … Continue reading Welcome to Rev. Sue Goodwin!