Author: UUCWC

Greater Good

On Sunday, November 4th, Hannah and I invited the children and adults of UUCWC to consider a different form of gift giving this year.  In an effort to realign the spirit of each of the winter holidays with our actions and the needs of the greater good, your staff is encouraging each member and friend … Continue reading Greater Good

Statement on Immigration

The ongoing and increasing attacks against migrants from our leadership and fellow Americans are both heartbreaking and dangerous.  We at the Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing hold firm with the side of love. No person is illegal, however denying asylum seekers a place of sanctuary is. The physical, psychological and legal borders we have created in … Continue reading Statement on Immigration

Letter of Support in Response to the Mass Shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation

Dear Siblings in Faith, Our hearts ache with yours as news of the Tree of Life Congregation shooting continues to echo throughout the country, and especially in synagogues and houses of worship everywhere. We know that for centuries the light of Shabbat, and each day for the Jewish people, has been threatened by hate and anti-Semitism.  What seeks to … Continue reading Letter of Support in Response to the Mass Shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation

Statement and Letter of Support from Rev. Kim

Statement on Immigration  The ongoing and increasing attacks against migrants from our leadership and fellow Americans are both heartbreaking and dangerous.  We at the Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing hold firm with the side of love. No person is illegal, however denying asylum seekers a place of sanctuary is. The physical, psychological and legal borders we … Continue reading Statement and Letter of Support from Rev. Kim

Our Covenants With Each Other

The concept of covenant is most central to my understanding of what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist today. “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote” – and our Principles follow. In the children’s Religious Education program, every class starts the year by creating a covenant for … Continue reading Our Covenants With Each Other

Who We Are by the Numbers

This past month the staff attempted to better understand who the congregation is (and who we are not) through data and reflection. We found these numbers to not only be interesting but helpful in thinking about our UUCWC community, our assumptions, relationships, and needs. Current System Our system currently serves 285 Members, 30 Friends,* 46 … Continue reading Who We Are by the Numbers

Capital Project and Parking Update

by Jayme Trott, Co-Chair, Capital Campaign Committee You may have heard rumors that we have finally received approval from the last required organization for the parking project to move forward. Actually, it is more like we have approval to move forward to get more approvals! At the Hopewell Township Board meeting on September 27th, our … Continue reading Capital Project and Parking Update

Welcome Steve Ryan!

Although Steve Ryan has played for services at times in the past, I want to officially welcome him as our “new” pianist at UUCWC. A graduate of Westminster Choir College, Steve has extensive background as a director, pianist and singer. He moved to New York City in 1992 to pursue a career in musical theater … Continue reading Welcome Steve Ryan!