Author: UUCWC

Worship Time Survey Results Are In!

Karen Kent, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees, and Susan Irgang, Congregational Administrator

Finding the best time for Sunday service to meet everyone’s preference is a challenge. In the past, UUCWC held two Sunday services – one at 9:00 a.m. and a second at 11 a.m. During … read more.

Finance Team Starts Anew

by Jim Sanders, Interim Chair, Finance Committee

The finance team has reconvened with two returning members of last year’s team, Barbara Drew (Auction Team) and John Unger (At-large), and a fresh and energized group including: Scott Blaydon and Jane Root (Stewardship), Mike Hanson and Bonnie Gilbert … read more.

Join us for These Musical Sundays!

by Erin Busch, Director of Music Ministry

The UUCWC Guest Musician Series is back! Fan favorite Megnot Toggia (soprano) will return to the sanctuary for our service on September 24th, and we will welcome pianist Dan Espie for the service on November 12th. Finally, this fall, … read more.

Not Bored on the Board

by Denny Rodgers, Treasurer, UUCWC Board of Trustees

As a newcomer to the UUCWC Board of Trustees and the Finance Committee, I have been asked to submit my impressions to date.

Some background – I agreed to serve on the Finance Committee as Treasurer and learned that … read more.

How Does Our Garden Grow?

by Al Johnson, Co-chair, Earth and Climate Ministry

Allie’s Garden has been fully planted, thanks in part to help from our Children’s Faith Engagement participants. Our crops of carrots, sweet potatoes and butternut squash are off to a good start. Volunteers to water the garden are … read more.

Four Is My Number One

By Julie Rigano, Director of Family Ministry

It’s hard to pick, but I think the fourth Unitarian Universalist principle is my favorite. I believe that a free and responsible search for truth and meaning is the core of our faith development at all ages. We are … read more.

Our Financial Year In Review

By Steve Saddlemire, Past Chair, Finance Committee

The past twelve months have been active and productive for the Finance Committee. We established a number of important initiatives and I am pleased to provide an update on their status. Our important tasks included:

developing job descriptions for all … read more.

Why I Support UUCWC

by Heather Edwards, Trustee, Board of Trustees

During this stewardship season, I’ve been reflecting on what UUCWC means to me and why I feel a responsibility to support our church both financially and through volunteering. If you had told me in my early twenties that a … read more.