Author: UUCWC

Welcome Table Wednesdays

Rev. Kimberly Wildszewski Each year the staff gathers throughout the summer to think wholeheartedly about UUCWC: individual congregants, groups and ministries, anxieties and excitements; the discernment goes on. It is from such conversations that we were able to introduce Faith Forward last year, the Coming into Connection curriculum, and think more critically about the need … Continue reading Welcome Table Wednesdays

Choral Workshop – August 25

Rev. Jason Shelton (composer of Standing on the Side of Love and other pieces we sing) is presenting a choral workshop on August 25.  Nine people from choir are going.  I thought you might be interested too. Workshop: Cycle of Song Presenter: Rev. Jason Shelton Saturday, August 25th 9:30 – 5:00 UU Congregation at Montclair … Continue reading Choral Workshop – August 25

Prayer for the Children

There is no need to further open the gaping wound that is our heart these days.  We need not begin this lamentation in the typical fashion; no need to recite all the atrocities for which we weep or wail.  Not all of them.  We don’t have time – or breath, or stomach, or imagination for … Continue reading Prayer for the Children

Take a Look at Your Wall

Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry I don’t know about you, but whenever I find a quote, bumper sticker, Facebook posting or anything that inspires me, I post it on a bulletin board above my desk at home (and in the church office). These items illuminate all the various aspects of my world, my heart and … Continue reading Take a Look at Your Wall

Shaping our Faith at GA

I haven’t been to General Assembly in six years. The first time I went was the year I was recognized as a fellowshipped minister. Tara stayed home in our Annapolis apartment, seated above the RE classrooms of the church, so we didn’t have to board the dog. The night I ceremonially bridged from lay person … Continue reading Shaping our Faith at GA

Capital Campaign Update

The Capital Campaign Steering Committee is grateful to all UUCWC members and friends who have pledged their support to this once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in real and lasting improvements to UUCWC. To date, 127 households have pledged almost $916,000 toward our goal of $1.1 million. Individual pledges range from $50 to $115,000 with a median … Continue reading Capital Campaign Update