Author: UUCWC

General Assembly is Coming

General Assembly is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to send voting delegates. The 2018 General Assembly will be June 20-24 in Kansas City, Missouri. Most General Assembly events will be held … Continue reading General Assembly is Coming

Polity – Faith Put Into Practice

Unitarian Universalism’s Fifth Principle, “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large,” goes hand in hand with the congregational polity of all UU congregations. From the UUA Tapestry of Faith Lifespan Curriculum: “Polity” is a general term for the form of church organization adopted … Continue reading Polity – Faith Put Into Practice

Chi Yi Breathing

Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry I can’t tell you how many times singers have said, “Sometimes I just don’t feel like coming to choir after a long day, but I’m always glad I did! I feel better and with more energy after singing!” Breathing is the foundation on which the singing voice is built and … Continue reading Chi Yi Breathing

A Letter to our UUCWC Community

Dear UUCWC Community: This fall, the UUCWC Board of Trustees adopted the ambitious goal to Institutionalize a Racial Justice Lens: Observe and decenter white-centeredness as part of congregational culture. Examine and adjust systems and processes in support of institutionalizing a racial justice lens. It was this goal that led us to enter into conversation with … Continue reading A Letter to our UUCWC Community