Author: UUCWC

How Do You Lead?

By Nathalie Edmond, UUCWC Board of Trustees As we transition into September and experience the beginning of fall along with the many events related to the start of a new academic year and get into the full swing of the church year, I have been reflecting on my experience attending my first Board retreat. There … Continue reading How Do You Lead?

Racial Justice Initiative Update – August 2017; Opportunities for You

The Racial Justice Initiative (RJI) hosted Dr. Ruha Benjamin on July 9, a professor at Princeton University, who spoke on The Beautiful Struggle. Her talk focused on racism as a system rather than individuals doing racist acts. She highlighted the importance of individuals having knowledge as well as courage to change the system and improve … Continue reading Racial Justice Initiative Update – August 2017; Opportunities for You

Meet Your New Board Members

At the 2017 UUCWC Annual Meeting we elected five new Board of Trustees members; Marianne Alt (President), Nathalie Edmond, Patrick Kahney, John Ueng-McHale and Colin Unsworth. Each of them brings a unique perspective and set of skills to the board enhancing the talents of continuing board members Ed Dobrowolski, Lynne Quinto, Peter Rafle, and Pam … Continue reading Meet Your New Board Members

Capital Campaign Preparation Update – We Need to Hear From You!

The Strategic Vision Task Force met June 27th to review the input received from the congregation so far, and to incorporate suggestions into the presentation for the future cottage meetings. Approximately 40 members have provided feedback and offered new ideas at the recent meetings. Meetings will continue through July (See below). The response for moving … Continue reading Capital Campaign Preparation Update – We Need to Hear From You!

Racial Justice Initiative Hosting Guest Speaker Dr. Ruha Benjamin – July 9

Racial Justice Initiative is hosting guest speaker Dr. Ruha Benjamin on Sunday, July 9th from 12 to 2 pm. Beautiful Struggle: Building Knowledge and Courage for a Better World In this talk, Professor Ruha Benjamin will pair social scientific insights on racism and inequality with spiritual insights on human oneness and justice which, taken together, … Continue reading Racial Justice Initiative Hosting Guest Speaker Dr. Ruha Benjamin – July 9

This is the Story We Tell

This is the story we tell each year. Nobert Capek is one of the great names of our tradition. He was a Baptist, then a Heretic, and then much later, the man who founded Unitarianism in the Czech Republic during World War II after learning of it here in Orange, NJ. It is because of … Continue reading This is the Story We Tell

Racial Justice Initiative Update; Discussion on May 23

The Racial Justice Initiative (RJI) is concluding its second church year.  This year focused on congregants participating in Beloved Conversations curriculum, Black Lives Matter information meetings and listening circles, the formation of a People of Color circle that meets monthly, discussion and approval of a UUA recommended banner affirming our values, and creation of Facebook … Continue reading Racial Justice Initiative Update; Discussion on May 23