Author: UUCWC

Be Gentle to Everybody

Last week a small ant crawled across our kitchen floor.  It was fast for such a tiny thing and I wouldn’t have seen it, or noticed it, or been able to give it much attention except that Tobias’s eyes grew larger as the speck moved between his feet. And soon, as curiosity became fear, my … Continue reading Be Gentle to Everybody

Roland “Rollie” Rahn Memorial Grant – Funding Program Established

Roland “Rollie” Rahn was a long time member of UUCWC and co-chair of the church’s Food Ministry. Rollie was passionate about the Food Ministry’s service to HomeFront. He firmly believed that in this land of plenty, no one should ever go hungry. Upon his passing in October 2015, Rollie’s family requested that memorial donations be … Continue reading Roland “Rollie” Rahn Memorial Grant – Funding Program Established

Proposed Public Display of Banner Expressing Unitarian Universalist Values

  This banner has been developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association to express our faith’s values as an ally at this time of turmoil in America.   After receiving feedback from the Black Lives Matter Listening Circles and survey, the Council for Faith in Action is proposing that UUCWC publicly display the banner on church property … Continue reading Proposed Public Display of Banner Expressing Unitarian Universalist Values

Invitation to Get Connected

Years ago I watched as a beloved and tenured minister moved into a time of great change in his congregation.  If nothing else, it was challenging.  The change wasn’t financial or membership growth.  It wasn’t the joy of commitment.  And yet, it was necessary and ultimately good healthy change. In an effort to stay connected … Continue reading Invitation to Get Connected

General Assembly 2017

Time to gather! Plan to be there! General Assembly  — NEW ORLEANS The BIG EASY is coming!  For one week in June, New Orleans (NOLA) the city of Second Chances, will host our Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly.  The General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, … Continue reading General Assembly 2017