Author: UUCWC

Guest Musicians and Concert Series at UUCWC

by Erin Busch (she/her), Director of Music Ministry

It has been a joy to begin my tenure as your new Transitional Director of Music Ministry! It has been a busy start, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on with all of you.

Firstly, … read more.

Rainbow Principles of Multigenerational Ministry

by Sarah Ahrens, Director of Family Ministry

First, I would like to thank UUCWC for such a warm welcome this summer as I began in the role of Director of Family Ministry. It’s been a busy few months preparing for a return to programming for all … read more.

Ranked Choice Voting and the 8th Principle

by Geri Koblis, for the Racial Justice Ministry

If you have ever taken an online quiz or survey which presents multiple choice answers and asks you to fill in a number to indicate your most important choice to your least, you have done Ranked Choice Voting … read more.

Endowment Awards for 2022-23

by Meghan Horn, Co-chair, Endowment Committee

For the 2022-2023 church year, the Endowment Committee is happy to announce the following grants have been awarded:

Erin Busch: for diverse choirs/musician performance;
Susan Irgang: for virtual church service equipment;
Wendy Stasolla for the Earth Ministry: for Terra Cycle recycling bins;
Jessie Boehm: … read more.

Finance Grows and Becomes More Dynamic

by Steve Saddlemire, Chair, Finance Committee

This church year was another one of change for UUCWC with the need for many ministries and committees to remain flexible and able to react quickly. The Finance Committee was no exception. As we approach the end of fiscal year … read more.

UUCWC Affirms Menstrual Equity

UU FaithAction NJ has launched an initiative to normalize the inclusion of free menstrual products in all restrooms. The Our Whole Lives (OWL) UU human sexuality program supports this initiative. Jami Thall, Reproductive Justice Task Force Co-chair, has written an article below explaining their … read more.

Saying Farewell – I Hope You’ll Keep Singing

by Caryl Tipton, Director of Music Ministry

If there’s one thing I leave you all as I retire, it’s that I hope you all keep singing, literally and figuratively! In worship, congregational singing is a way to connect, feel, change the vibration in the room and … read more.

Spring is in the Air at UUCWC

by Michael Waas, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Spring is in the air…right?

Spring often feels like it holds the promise of new life. We see the signs of new growth – buds are emerging on tree branches, the forsythia is in full bloom, and, since this … read more.