Author: UUCWC

Moving Towards Our Vision

by Jamie Evanini, Vice President, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Our Spring Council Meeting, which serves as an opportunity for committee leaders, staff, and interested members to gather and share about their work, was held this past Tuesday evening, March 1st. For the first time, we conducted … read more.

Nourishment Through Congregational Engagement

by Nathalie Edmond, Co-chair, Congregational Engagement

As we move into spring, we start to plan for the new church year that starts on July 1. Some people may be transitioning out of leadership roles, emerging from pandemic hibernation, and/or wanting to make new connections. Congregational Engagement … read more.

The Right Relations Committee and Creating Covenants

by Michelle Hunt, Co-chair, Right Relations Committee

We need our faith community to discover who we are and who we aspire to be. Our covenants weave clarity and mutual understanding into our relationships. Recently, members of the Right Relations Committee (RRC) have come to understand the … read more.

Board of Trustees Mid-Year Review

by Jim Sanders, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Before a person needs medical attention or has another issue where self-reliance is not the healthy course of action, experts say that you should identify someone to reach out to, from a primary physician to a trusted family … read more.

Allie’s Garden in the Second Year of Covid

by Al Johnson

Despite the HomeFront and Food Ministry programs still unable to use our produce, Allie’s Garden went full steam ahead growing fresh vegetables for the needy in our area. Our criteria for crop choice were: those that were relatively easy to grow, useable by … read more.

Welcome Back Erin Busch!

Although most of you know our “new” Accompanist, Erin Busch, I realized some of you may not. Erin is a composer and cellist residing in Philadelphia, where she is currently pursuing a Ph.D in composition at the University of Pennsylvania. She served as our Accompanist … read more.

Our Candle for Racial Justice

by Lauren Shallish, Co-chair, Worship Associates

The lighting of the candles of fellowship — and their accompanying words— can be found at the outset of every service alongside our land acknowledgement. The candles are a familiar refrain read aloud by the worship associates as we name … read more.

UUCWC Responds to HomeFront Thanksgiving SOS

by Marcia Wittmann, Food Ministry Team

On November 16, the Food Ministry team received this urgent request from Meghan Cubano, Director of Community Engagement at HomeFront: “Just throwing this out there in case UUCWC can come to the rescue. Our plans for distributing Thanksgiving meals … read more.

Finance Committee Initiatives for The Fiscal Year

by Steve Saddlemire, Finance Committee

Over the summer months, the Finance Committee remained busy examining important issues that impact the financial health of our Church. The Team (Stewardship, Treasurer, Bookkeeper, Endowment, Fundraising, Auction, Capital Campaign and Building) examined both new ideas and ongoing projects and developed … read more.