Author: UUCWC

Board Goals: Transforming the Congregational Culture

By Heather Edwards, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

In the middle of another holiday season, I would like to pause to express gratitude for our UUCWC community and for the opportunity to be part of the Board of Trustees during this particular moment in our church’s … read more.

Reflecting On My Thirty Years at UUCWC

Director of Music Ministry Caryl Tipton shares an excerpt of her homily from Sunday, October 24, 2021 where she reflected on the theme “All I Really Need to Know, I Learned at UUCWC.”

Thirty years is a long time.  A time filled with questions and searching, … read more.

Resolving Conflict in a Covenantal Community

by Eileen Spedding, Right Relations Committee

As UUs, we welcome, celebrate and honor diversity of people, beliefs and ideas. And yet, we often struggle with how to negotiate our differences when it comes to making decisions on behalf of our congregation. Important decisions around budgetary allocations, … read more.

Interconnection, Inner-Work and Covenanting

by Michelle Hunt, Right Relations Committee

As humans, we are connecting all the time. We are drawn into relationships as members of families, organizations, work groups, and congregations. As members of a faith community, we assume involvement with soul work or inner work too. Who am … read more.

Embracing A New Church Year

by Maria Baratta, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Can we reclaim the word ‘delta’ so that it will once again be used to refer to change rather than a dreaded disease variant? Whether used in a formula for physics, chemistry, math or investing, let’s remember that … read more.

Introducing Congregational Engagement

By Sandy Muccioli, Leadership Development Task Force

By the time you read this you will have learned about the new way we are inviting our members and friends into service for our beloved UUCWC community. Doing Church is much more than attending worship on Sundays. As … read more.

Policies on When We Call the Police Under Review

by Michelle Hunt, Right Relations Committee

In June of 2018, our congregation approved the 8th UU Principle:

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions … read more.

Safe Singing

by Caryl Tipton, Director, Music Ministry

Our accompanist, Steve Ryan, and I have had emails/comments with concern about not wearing a mask at times while providing music for services on Sunday.

We are very aware of the many factors of COVID spread and especially singing. … read more.

Unitarians and Christmas

In many ways, Unitarians made Christmas what it is today. Of course, Christmas is the celebration of a Palestinian prophet named Yeshua, or Jesus. The early Christian church celebrated his birthday in April and then in June. They then co-opted the yule … read more.