Author: UUCWC

Try This Easy Fundraiser

by Steve Saddlemire, for the Fundraising Committee We started the Raise Right fundraiser a few years ago (thanks to Wendy Stasolla) and, last year, added close to $1000 to the church budget from gift card sales. For those of you who have not yet participated in the program, it’s simple. You purchase a gift card … Continue reading Try This Easy Fundraiser

Expressing Gratitude

How often  do we express gratitude for the everyday experiences in our lives?  We asked members of the Stewardship Committee to share how they recognize and express gratitude in their daily lives and here’s what they said. I express gratitude by supporting organizations like the ACLU and WHYY radio for the work they do for justice … Continue reading Expressing Gratitude

The Gifts of Our Faith

by Colleen McCourt, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees As we end another year together at UUCWC, I have been reflecting on all the gifts my family and I have received from our church – from the staff, the tech team, committees, and small group ministries – and all of you in our beloved community. In … Continue reading The Gifts of Our Faith

Capital Campaign Project News

by Jayme Trott, Captial Campaign Our UUCWC family has stepped up for Phase 3 of our Capital Campaign! As of December 1, the total pledged and/or donated is almost $195,000! This amount is two-thirds of the way toward our goal of $300,000. Thank you to everyone for generous one-time donations and for multiple-year pledges. Although … Continue reading Capital Campaign Project News

Keeping Vigil on Transgender Day of Remembrance and Resilience

by Lisa Schilansky, Ministerial Intern On Sunday November 19th, UUCWC came together to observe the International Transgender Day of Remembrance and Resilience. As Unitarian Universalists, our faith calls us to love, to love with our whole bodies, to love all people and to honor the beautiful individuality of all beings on this earth. When there … Continue reading Keeping Vigil on Transgender Day of Remembrance and Resilience

We Cherish Your Generosity

by Anne Godlasky, Stewardship Committee I probably get more emails on Giving Tuesday than any other day of the year. Many include a faux signature from the leader of whatever nonprofit is imploring me. Someone I’ve never met. Inundated with both needs and wants, choosing where to put your resources can be difficult. It’s a … Continue reading We Cherish Your Generosity

UUCWC Co-sponsors Peace Conference – We’d Love Two Volunteers

by Holly Bussey, Faith Expression Funding Team Facilitator The Coalition for Peace Action’s 44th Annual Conference for Peace is set for November 12. We have sponsored the event for over five years through the Council for Faith in Action’s Faith Expression and Funding Team Ministry (FEFT). As sponsors, UUCWC can have two representatives attend the … Continue reading UUCWC Co-sponsors Peace Conference – We’d Love Two Volunteers

Finance Team Starts Anew

by Jim Sanders, Interim Chair, Finance Committee The finance team has reconvened with two returning members of last year’s team, Barbara Drew (Auction Team) and John Unger (At-large), and a fresh and energized group including: Scott Blaydon and Jane Root (Stewardship), Mike Hanson and Bonnie Gilbert (Endowment), George Faulkner (Capital Project Treasurer), Denny Rodgers (UUCWC … Continue reading Finance Team Starts Anew