Susan Vigilante and Jayme Trott – Capital Campaign Project Co-Chairs
Have you seen the pictures of the planned church expansion yet? The Capital Campaign Steering Committee had created posters depicting the architectural drawings in hopes that you will be as excited about the plans as we are! Some of the highlights:
- Improved accessibility with street-level enclosed entry to an ELEVATOR and stairs going up to the lobby and down to the Crossings Room
- A large multi-functional room upstairs for youth gatherings, quiet coffee hour, conference room use
- More offices for our expanding staff
- Replacement of wall and windows in the Crossings Room
- A large multi-functional room adjacent to the Crossings Room allows more seating for events and improves our rental opportunities
- New storage rooms allow uncluttering of the classrooms and kitchen
Our goal is to break ground and begin construction shortly after the Annual Meeting, and in order to make that happen, we are initiating Phase 2 of the Capital Campaign to close the gap of $400,000 we still need. In response to Phase 1 of the campaign, 138 households pledged $926,000 toward our goal of $1.1 million. Phase 2 will include outreach to new members since the last campaign and others who may not have pledges as well as requests for multi-year pledges to consider extending their commitments for another 2 years. Together we can do this!
Since the Stewardship Campaign will be kicking off as well, we have planned several opportunities for members and friends to find out more about both campaigns. The Stewardship team will soon be in the lobby on Sundays to answer questions and gratefully accept your pledges that are vitally needed for UUCWC to fulfill our mission. In addition, mark your calendars for the following dates:
- Sunday, February 9: Stewardship Sunday kick-off of both campaigns with presentations and Q&A sessions at 10:15am and 12:15pm in the sanctuary
- Tuesday, February 18, 7:00pm: Q&A for both campaigns
- Sunday, March 8 after both services: Q&A for both campaigns
- Sunday, March 29 after both services: Q&A for Capital Campaign
Thank you all for your dedication to our spiritual home and its continued growth!