The Capital Campaign Steering Committee is grateful to all UUCWC members and friends who have pledged their support to this once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in real and lasting improvements to UUCWC. To date, 127 households have pledged almost $916,000 toward our goal of $1.1 million. Individual pledges range from $50 to $115,000 with a median of $3000, to be paid over the next three to five years. Capital Campaign Ambassadors are reaching out personally to families who have not yet pledged to answer any questions and request their support.
While we continue to make progress (albeit behind the scenes) on the parking project, we have initiated the process of hiring an architect to help us convert our visions into plans. Building Renovations co-chairs, Mary Acciani, an architectural engineer, and Farzad Shadzik, a professional contractor, are highly qualified to oversee the project from planning through construction. Once the architect is on board, a general contractor will be hired and we anticipate that construction will begin around summer of 2019.
We are committed to keeping the congregation informed every step of the way! Watch for updates in Cross-currents, church emails, on the public UUCWC Facebook page, and on the Capital Campaign Bulletin Board, soon to be posted in the hallway across from the Crossing Room. We would welcome one or more volunteers to assist with our communication efforts. Please let us know if you are interested.
Thank you again!