Board of Trustees Mid-Year Review

by Jim Sanders, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Before a person needs medical attention or has another issue where self-reliance is not the healthy course of action, experts say that you should identify someone to reach out to, from a primary physician to a trusted family … read more.

Board Goals: Transforming the Congregational Culture

By Heather Edwards, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

In the middle of another holiday season, I would like to pause to express gratitude for our UUCWC community and for the opportunity to be part of the Board of Trustees during this particular moment in our church’s … read more.

Notes From the UUCWC Board

It is hard to fathom that we’ve not been together in the UUCWC Sanctuary for nineteen months.  Some newer members have never entered the building. Yet, this community continues to defy national church membership trends even during the worst pandemic of our lifetimes.  It is … read more.

Treasurer’s Report to the Congregation

Statements of Income and Expense as of the close of the month of September reflect continued financial strength in the UUCWC accounts:

• All financial indications are positive with a $16k positive variance to date
• Bank Account Balances total $1.29 million:

$472k Operating combined balances
$606k  Capital Campaign
$232k … read more.

Reflections from a New Board Member

by Wendy Stasolla

For the past twenty some odd years, I’ve seen UUCWC through the lens of being a church member, an RE parent and teacher, and as part of various committees and volunteer opportunities. As part of the Board of Trustees, I now have a … read more.

Treasurer’s Report to the Congregation

by Joe Schenk, Treasurer, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Fiscal Summary as of the Month Ending August (written 9/19/21):

• All financial indications are positive with a $25k positive variance to date!

• Bank Account Balances total $1.23 million:

$482k Operating combined balances
$594k  Capital Campaign
$190k Endowment


• Despite a very positive … read more.

Embracing A New Church Year

by Maria Baratta, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Can we reclaim the word ‘delta’ so that it will once again be used to refer to change rather than a dreaded disease variant? Whether used in a formula for physics, chemistry, math or investing, let’s remember that … read more.