Treasurer’s Report to the Congregation

by Joe Schenk, Treasurer, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Fiscal Summary as of the Month Ending August (written 9/19/21):

• All financial indications are positive with a $25k positive variance to date!

• Bank Account Balances total $1.23 million:

$482k Operating combined balances
$594k  Capital Campaign
$190k Endowment


• Despite a very positive … read more.

Embracing A New Church Year

by Maria Baratta, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Can we reclaim the word ‘delta’ so that it will once again be used to refer to change rather than a dreaded disease variant? Whether used in a formula for physics, chemistry, math or investing, let’s remember that … read more.

Regathering at UUCWC – Update From Rev. Kim

Dear UUCWC members and friends,

It has been a great joy and privilege to lead services from the sanctuary these last two Sundays. I have imagined so many of you there with me, and dreamed of how it will be when we share that and remote … read more.

Honoring My Time On the Board


I am ending my term on the Board of Trustees. I spent one year as a trustee, one year as vice president, and two years as president. Thank you for an amazing and supportive four years. I often associate four years with high school, … read more.

Reverend yadenee hailu Joins UUCWC Ministerial Team

by Rev. Kim Wildszewski and Sue Saddlemire, Vice President, UUCWC Board of Trustees

As you know, from May 3rd through July 19th, I will be on Parental Leave, meeting and learning our newest child. After the Board of Trustees, Personnel and Finance Committees all supported … read more.

UUCWC’s Mission: The One We Give To Ourselves

by Jamie Evanini, Trustee, Board of Trustees

I’ve been thinking of the lines of a song we listened to at February 24th’s Church Council meeting, a gathering of representatives from all of UUCWC’s committees and ministries and any other interested members and friends:

“This joy that I … read more.

Dreaming of a Post-Pandemic UUCWC

by Michael Waas, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees held a winter retreat on January 9th. As with the fall retreat, this was an opportunity to explore how the board can support the ongoing work of the congregation, as outlined in the … read more.

UUCWC Board of Trustees 2020 – 2021 Goals

As we settle into this 2020 – 2021 congregational year, your Board of Trustees and staff honors just how challenging this time is for each of us. We share the approved Board goals for this fiscal year based on the seven Board Practices that … read more.

Simplifying Church

by Sue Saddlemire, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

In preparation for the fall board retreat that took place on September 26, we were asked to read the book Simple Church, by Thom Ranier and Eric Geiger. The purpose of this book, as the title indicates, … read more.