Why I Am Inspired to Lead

Recently in a board meeting we were discussing why people choose to serve in various leadership roles at UUCWC. I thought I would share their remarks as some of you consider stepping in and out of leadership roles.

Be part of good things happening.Care … read more.

Capturing Institutional Wisdom

by Dianne Ross, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees

Typically UUCWC’s Board of Trustees has two retreats a year, one in late summer and one in winter, to dive deeper into strategic topics. The Board continues to work on transparency, engagement, and clarifying policy-based … read more.

UUCWC Board of Trustees 2019-2020 Goals

7 Practices of Board Leadership

The UUCWC Board of Trustees will:

1. Discerning the Congregation’s Mission and Vision: Center the mission/vision in strategic decision-making.

Claim our role as Religious Leaders.

2. Holding the Fiduciary (Resource) Responsibility: Be aware of the way we develop and utilize … read more.

The Role of UUCWC’s Treasurer

by Nathalie Edmond, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees

This summer, the Board of Trustees has been focused on re-examining the critical role of the Treasurer in our congregation. At the annual meeting many of you voted in a new Treasurer, Patrick Kahney. Patrick has … read more.

Roles and Responsibilities

As members of your Board of Trustees, we again offer a warm welcome to Rev. Sue Goodwin, UUCWC’s Minister of Congregational Life!

The Minister of Congregational Life is a new position, so the Board would like to clarify Rev. Sue’s role and how it interfaces … read more.

Report of the UUCWC Board of Trustees: 2018-2019 Church Year

by Marianne Chopp Alt, President

Our Board of Trustees is the nine-person elected governing body of this religious community. The Board’s governance philosophy delegates decision-making authority to individual ministries and committees so it can focus on:

Financial stewardship
Goal-Setting and implementing the Strategic Plan
Creating and overseeing Church Policies
Overseeing … read more.