Category: Adult Religious Education

Introducing Soul Matters

by Ana DelCorazón UUCWC is hosting Soul Matters sharing circle, a monthly small group ministry followed by 150 Unitarian Universalist congregations who follow the same monthly worship themes. Purpose To enable connections with each other, with our deepest selves, and with the world. Members, friends and visitors of UUCWC come together to share and reflect, … Continue reading Introducing Soul Matters

Open to You!

by Ana DelCorazon, Membership Volunteer Coordinator If you’ve been to church lately, you may have noticed some changes in the lobby. For example, the Greeter/Welcome Desk has been moved from the left to the right-hand side of the doors, angled off the nursery. The Food Ministry basket and announcement sign is also right there … Continue reading Open to You!

Upcoming Adult Religious Education’s Fall Programs

In ARE, we find connection within our growing congregation as we nourish our mind, heart and soul.  Available to adults of all ages, the Adult Religious Education ministry has five programs starting this Fall. Learn about and register for one of our programs.  Detailed course information  is available by visiting the following link to the … Continue reading Upcoming Adult Religious Education’s Fall Programs