Allie’s Garden in the Second Year of Covid

by Al Johnson

Despite the HomeFront and Food Ministry programs still unable to use our produce, Allie’s Garden went full steam ahead growing fresh vegetables for the needy in our area. Our criteria for crop choice were: those that were relatively easy to grow, useable by … read more.

Ramping Up Our Commitment to Recycling

Recycling is an important aspect of mindful living and respect for our environment. The practice has become ubiquitous since the early 1970s, picking up steam with the environmental movement that lead to designating April 22 as Earth Day in 1970. At that time and through … read more.

Addressing the Climate Crisis

by Leslie McGeorge and Geri Koblis, Earth Ministry Team

As the 51st Earth Day approaches on April 22nd, the Earth Ministry Team is highlighting the climate emergency. There is a consensus among most scientists that the climate crisis is a substantial, if not existential, threat … read more.

Earth Day Events: Saturday April 17th, 2021

10 am: SPRING CLEAN UP Grounds Committee Sponsors the annual work party from 10 am to noon. Following social distancing, with masks, we will rake, weed and generally cleanup the gardens and grounds. Bring your own gloves and tools. Reminder: the church building is closed … read more.