Category: Earth Ministry

Addressing the Climate Crisis

by Leslie McGeorge and Geri Koblis, Earth Ministry Team As the 51st Earth Day approaches on April 22nd, the Earth Ministry Team is highlighting the climate emergency. There is a consensus among most scientists that the climate crisis is a substantial, if not existential, threat to humans and the world’s ecosystems. With business as usual, … Continue reading Addressing the Climate Crisis

Environmental Task Force of the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice Educational Links

The Environmental Task Force of the Unitarian Universalist for Social Justice shared with our Earth Ministry the following educational pieces: Plastic waste Feeding Hungry Cities See more educational offers from the Total Environmental Task Force at Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ)

UUCWC Named as first River Friendly Community Partner

The Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing was recently awarded certification as a River Friendly Community Partner by the Watershed Association due to a long time and long term commitment to environmental stewardship. According to the Watershed Association, “This River-Friendly status means the organizations have taken steps to protect water quality, conserve water, improve wildlife … Continue reading UUCWC Named as first River Friendly Community Partner

Coming Attractions

While you weren’t looking, there have been some new additions to the UUCWC Grounds and perhaps you will discover them when you next visit the property.  Thanks to a grant from UUCWC’s Endowment Fund, and a grant from Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve, along with Earth Ministry funds, the Earth Ministry Team and Grounds Committee planted … Continue reading Coming Attractions

River Friendly: Green and Gold

We Are Gold: River-Friendly After several years of effort and review, the Earth Ministry Team is pleased to announce that UUCWC has been certified as a “River-Friendly Community Partner” by The Watershed Institute of Pennington, NJ. Al Johnson and Barbara Drew, Co-chairs of Earth Ministry Team, noted that, “Not only is UUCWC the first organization … Continue reading River Friendly: Green and Gold