Category: Endowment Committee

Sustaining Our Legacy: From Capital Campaign to Endowment Contributions

By Bonnie Gilbert, Co-Chair, Endowment Committee We are all happy to have the Capital Campaign construction nearly complete and even happier that it is almost paid for. If you have completed, or almost completed, your Capital Campaign pledge, you may wonder what you can do to support the church and keep that tax deduction. Here’s … Continue reading Sustaining Our Legacy: From Capital Campaign to Endowment Contributions

Endowment Fund Announces Awards

by Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce that, due to the growth of the fund during 2023, grants could be awarded this year. After reviewing applications from various committees and ministries, the Endowment Committee made these awards: To the Earth and Climate Ministry for work in the mechanical room … Continue reading Endowment Fund Announces Awards

Endowment Update

by Bonnie Gilbert, Co-chair, Endowment Committee This is the time of year the Endowment Committee usually calls for grant requests for items of need that are not in the annual budget. However, due to the lackluster performance of our Endowment Funds in comparison to our contributions, the Endowment Committee is sorry to report we will … Continue reading Endowment Update

Endowment Awards for 2022-23

by Meghan Horn, Co-chair, Endowment Committee For the 2022-2023 church year, the Endowment Committee is happy to announce the following grants have been awarded: Erin Busch: for diverse choirs/musician performance;Susan Irgang: for virtual church service equipment;Wendy Stasolla for the Earth Ministry: for Terra Cycle recycling bins;Jessie Boehm: for Nursery upgrades. Thank you to all the … Continue reading Endowment Awards for 2022-23

Endowment Grants Approved

by Bonnie Gilbert and Meghan Horn, co-chairs, Endowment Committee The Endowment Committee is happy to report that due to good performance from our investments we were able to fund four requested projects. The nursery plans for new furniture, toys and decoration; the Music Ministry will be able to hire musicians of color; a replacement meditation … Continue reading Endowment Grants Approved