Wake Now Our Vision Campaign: Legacy Opportunity

by Jim Erb, Chair, Endowment Committee

UUCWC has an exciting opportunity to take advantage of special funding that would strengthen/enhance the financial stability of UUCWC for the future!

Five members of our congregation have taken advantage of this opportunity; their bequests to UUCWC total $177,000 and the … read more.

Wake Now Our Vision Campaign: Legacy Opportunity

UUCWC has an exciting opportunity to take advantage of special funding that would strengthen/enhance our financial stability for the future!

Further to the brief introduction at our Annual Congregational Meeting, the Endowment Committee would like to provide more details about the Wake Now Our Vision Campaign … read more.

UUCWC’s Endowment Fund

Many members of UUCWC, particularly newer members, may not be aware that the UUCWC has an Endowment Fund. It is, in essence, our savings account for the future.  It provides for long-term financial security, allowing our community and mission to continue to prosper.

The … read more.