Finance Committee Initiatives for The Fiscal Year

by Steve Saddlemire, Finance Committee

Over the summer months, the Finance Committee remained busy examining important issues that impact the financial health of our Church. The Team (Stewardship, Treasurer, Bookkeeper, Endowment, Fundraising, Auction, Capital Campaign and Building) examined both new ideas and ongoing projects and developed … read more.

Treasurer’s Report to the Congregation

Statements of Income and Expense as of the close of the month of September reflect continued financial strength in the UUCWC accounts:

• All financial indications are positive with a $16k positive variance to date
• Bank Account Balances total $1.29 million:

$472k Operating combined balances
$606k  Capital Campaign
$232k … read more.

Mid-Year Financial Update

by Mary Baltycki, Chair-Finance Committee


It is with a great deal of pleasure that the Finance Committee presents a financial summary for the first six months of our fiscal year. We have closed out the calendar year … read more.

Mid-Year Financial Update


Several weeks after I joined the Board of Trustees this past July, I agreed to assume on an interim basis, the role of Treasurer, with an eye on creating a volunteer leadership position that can be managed and steered by fellow leaders who are not … read more.

The Role of UUCWC’s Treasurer

by Nathalie Edmond, President, UUCWC Board of Trustees

This summer, the Board of Trustees has been focused on re-examining the critical role of the Treasurer in our congregation. At the annual meeting many of you voted in a new Treasurer, Patrick Kahney. Patrick has … read more.