Charitable Distributions from IRAs

By George Faulkner and Lori Hoppmann

For those of you fortunate enough to be over age 70 & 1/2 and have individual retirement accounts (IRAs), here’s a suggestion on how to make a capital campaign or annual operating pledge contribution that’s fully tax-deductible. With the recent … read more.

Special Stewardship Campaign Challenge!

We have very exciting and time sensitive news to share! A very passionate and generous contributor to UUCWC has challenged our congregation by offering $10,000 toward the assistant minister financing if 75% of members submit their pledges by Sunday, March 17! That leaves us just over … read more.

Financial Brief: 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Summary

by Joe Schenk, Chair, Finance Committee

We closed out the 2017-2018 fiscal year in June with strong results:

$489,421 in income
$462,162 in expenses

More than half of the savings on expenses were in Personnel costs where we saw savings in our intern’s medical coverage and a miscellany of … read more.

Help Wanted – Treasurer

by Lynne Quinto, Treasurer

This is my fourth year serving as our community’s Treasurer, and per our bylaws we’ll need to elect a new Treasurer in June for a term starting in July 2019. The Treasurer is a member of the Board of Trustees and the … read more.

Help Wanted – Finance Committee Chair

by Joe Schenk, Chair, Finance Committee

It has been an honor to serve UUCWC in the capacity of Finance Committee Chairperson. This year marks the fourth and final year of my tenure as is dictated in the church bylaws. And this is my second “tour of … read more.