Festival of Fine Crafts Planning Session

Thank you to everyone who helped make the craft fair a big success as a fundraiser – we raised about $3,400 this year!  If you enjoyed the event this past December and would like to participate in the planning of our 3rd annual Festival of … read more.

Auction Planning Meeting – January 28

Will you share your energy and good ideas to help make the 2018 spring auction a success? It all begins at the potluck planning meeting on Sunday, January 28 at 6:00pm at the home of Connie and Lee Schofer. Learn about how the auction works, … read more.

Mid-Year Financial Update – Dec. 2017

UUCWC continues to build its strong financial position through solid dedication, generosity and stewardship. We are tracking very similarly to last year with some expenses coming earlier in the year but still very much on budget with a modest surplus. Our reserves remain strong with … read more.

UUCWC Mid-Year Financial Update

Joe Schenk, Chair, Finance Committee
Lynne Quinto, Treasurer

UUCWC continues to build its strong financial position through solid dedication, generosity and stewardship.   We are tracking very similarly to last year with some expenses coming earlier in the year but still very much on budget with a … read more.