Category: Food Ministry

June Food Needs

The meal for HomeFront and Luther Arms in June is: Pasta & Meat Sauce, Garden Salad, Bread/Rolls, Butter & Dessert. Donations needed for the hot meals are: Ziti or Penne pasta, & 85% Ground Beef. Donations needed for the supper sandwich bags are: 100% juice boxes, fruit cups, & granola bars. Monetary donations to purchase … Continue reading June Food Needs

Food Ministry Requests for May

Here are the items that are needed by the Food Ministry to make this month’s meal. Every month the Food Ministry delivers 200 nutritious meals to those affected by homelessness and hunger. Can’t get these items? You can make a monetary contribution. Please place checks in the Food Ministry Mailbox. Please add Food Ministry to the … Continue reading Food Ministry Requests for May

Chilly in April?

Chili not Chilly! Can you help the Food Ministry with the ingredients for the April meal of Beef Chili?     

Have you Noticed? Little Things Can Make a Difference!

While big changes to UUCWC’s facilities understandably get the most attention, often it’s the little things that go unnoticed that can make a difference. See if you noticed these small improvements at UUCWC over the past few months: Special window film has been applied to west facing windows in the Sanctuary, thanks to an Endowment … Continue reading Have you Noticed? Little Things Can Make a Difference!

Shepherd’s Pie for February

This Month the Food Ministry will be making Shepherd’s Pie. Please donate these ingredients by February 11th. 85% ground beef canned tomato sauce canned chicken broth Betty Crocker instant mashed potatoes frozen mixed vegetables granola bars fruit cups

Food Contributions Needed

These food items needed by our Social Action ministries. Please place all non-perishables in the basket in the Lobby. Perishables go in the freezer or refrigerator marked Food Ministry. Thank You!