Category: Food Ministry

Summer Food Ministry Items

The need for food doesn’t stop during the Summer. The Food Ministry and the Morrisville Food Center continue their work. Please place all non-perishables in the basket in the Lobby. Perishables go in the freezer or refrigerator marked Food Ministry. Thank You!

Roland “Rollie” Rahn Memorial Grant – Funding Program Established

Roland “Rollie” Rahn was a long time member of UUCWC and co-chair of the church’s Food Ministry. Rollie was passionate about the Food Ministry’s service to HomeFront. He firmly believed that in this land of plenty, no one should ever go hungry. Upon his passing in October 2015, Rollie’s family requested that memorial donations be … Continue reading Roland “Rollie” Rahn Memorial Grant – Funding Program Established

You can help feed the hungry!

Your contributions help to feed many in the area who don’t know where their next meal will come from. These food items needed by our Social Action ministries for May. Please place all non-perishables in the basket in the Lobby. Perishables go in the freezer or refrigerator marked Food Ministry. Thank You!

Food Items Needed in April

Here are the food items needed for April. It’s been updated. Please place all non-perishables in the basket in the Lobby. Perishables go in the freezer or refrigerator marked Food Ministry. Thank You!