From Your Stewardship Team: Mind the Gap

By Jane Root, Stewardship Committee

There’s a story about a woman in London who goes to the underground station every day to listen to the recorded announcement to “Mind the Gap” (the space between the train and the platform). It’s her husband’s voice, recorded in 1950, … read more.

Generosity of Spirit

by Scott Blaydon, Stewardship Co-chair

The annual Stewardship pledge drive is in full swing! Everyone contributes to the church in a myriad of ways; however, the annual pledge is so essential to the continued vitality and functioning of our ministry, programs, staff positions, buildings, and … read more.

Expressing Gratitude

How often  do we express gratitude for the everyday experiences in our lives?  We asked members of the Stewardship Committee to share how they recognize and express gratitude in their daily lives and here’s what they said.

I express gratitude by supporting organizations like the ACLU and … read more.

We Cherish Your Generosity

by Anne Godlasky, Stewardship Committee

I probably get more emails on Giving Tuesday than any other day of the year. Many include a faux signature from the leader of whatever nonprofit is imploring me. Someone I’ve never met. Inundated with both needs and wants, choosing where … read more.

Is This the Year for your Personal Best?

From Anne Godlasky, Member (remote):

I realized something, only in preparing this. I’ve been a virtual member of UUCWC from here in Maryland for about as long as I was there in New Jersey. This seems impossible. In the past, of course, this would in fact … read more.

UUCWC Holiday Gift 2022

The YEAR-END GIFT is a very special way to contribute to the life of the church during the holiday season. This effort supports everything from faith engagement to membership, from our staff to our food ministry — all the things that make the Unitarian Universalist Church at … read more.

Annual Pledge Campaign Update

As of April 2nd, 180 members, friends and visitors have responded to the 2021/22 Annual Pledge Campaign, for a total pledge of $402,000. Eighty-eight pledge units have increased their pledge for an average increase of 5%. Thanks to everyone who has pledged, and especially those … read more.

Annual Stewardship Campaign 2020 – 2021

Creating Community, Celebrating Life, and Changing the World

The UUCWC Stewardship Committee is pleased to announce that we kicked off our 2020-2021 Congregational Pledge Campaign on Sunday, February 9, and will continue through March.

Our Stewardship theme this year is focused on our mission, Creating Community, … read more.