Coming of Age Heritage Trip

The 8th-9th grade Coming of Age (“COA”) class went on their heritage trip to Boston with Scott Umlauf and Scott Drew at the end of April.

Coming of Age is a Unitarian Universalist rite of passage that celebrates the transition from childhood into the teen … read more.

Upcoming Events in Children’s and Adult RE

Teacher Appreciation Brunch and Brainstorm
What do you need to raise a UU child?
Sun April 7
Brunch: 12:30- 1:15
Brainstorm: 1:15 -2:45

Here’s a chance for kids and parents to feast and to reflect on Family ministry at UUCWC. We want to support parents … read more.

UU Summer Camps and Conferences

Temperatures may be below freezing but I know that many parents are considering their children’s summer plans. I’d like to highlight several UU summer camps and conferences that UUCWC children love attending. These longer UU immersion experiences are excellent ways to solidify a child’s Unitarian … read more.

Youth Service Trip

by Scott Umlauf, Re Teacher (Coming of Age)

The weekend before Thanksgiving a team of Youth Group and Coming of Age students embarked on a trip to New York City for a Youth Service project on homelessness and food insecurity. Leaving by train on Friday afternoon, … read more.

Tools to Raise UU Children

One of my goals this year is to give parents more tools to raise Unitarian Universalist children. An important way to do this is to integrate Unitarian Universalism into home life so that a full week faith is practiced instead of just on Sunday morning. … read more.

Welcome Back! This Year’s Children’s RE Program

by Robin Pugh, Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Welcome back to those families that I haven’t seen this summer. Our full Religious Education (“RE”) program begins on Sunday, September 16. The RE teachers and I have planned an exciting year for UUCWC’s children. Here is what … read more.

What Happens When Our DLRE is Away

by Jen Rehbein, Sabbatical Team

When our Lifespan Religious Education Direction, Robin Pugh, let me know that she was planning a sabbatical leave this year, I felt a mix of emotions. First and most important, I was very glad for her. I am proud that our … read more.