Category: DRE’s Blog

UU Summer Camps for All Ages

We are reprinting this article from last year, updated for 2017, because I think attending a UU summer camp or conference is so important to growing Unitarian Universalists of any age. They may not be able to articulate it well, but many lifelong Unitarian Universalists will tell you it was their participation in UU summer … Continue reading UU Summer Camps for All Ages

Four Times In a Day for Faith-Building Opportunities

How do parents and caregivers raise a UU child? By talking to their children about being a Unitarian Universalist and modeling UU values. The Religious Education program at UUCWC teaches children UU values and traditions, but children learn and internalize their concepts of faith, morality, responsibility, and justice from their parents. I grew up Catholic … Continue reading Four Times In a Day for Faith-Building Opportunities

Children’s RE Then and Now

Celebrating our 100th anniversary made me wonder what children’s religious education was like at the First Unitarian Church of Trenton (UUCWC’s precursor) when it started in 1948. Amazingly, there are a lot of similarities in both the method and the content of Unitarian Sunday school in 1948 and our RE program today. But that is … Continue reading Children’s RE Then and Now

Neighboring Faiths

by Scott Drew, Children’s Religious Education Teacher January 17. The message of the Scripture reading from the Book of Daniel was that God speaks to us through dreams. And for the Pastor of St. John’s Baptist Church in Ewing, Dr. Vincent Jackson, it was the platform to discuss Dr. King’s I Have a Dream speech … Continue reading Neighboring Faiths