Diving in at the Deep End

by Hannah Gallo, Ministerial Intern

My first month at UUCWC has been an extraordinary experience.  While some might have expected the intern to dip her toes in, then wade, and finally submerge her head under, I’m taking somewhat of the opposite approach. I have started by … read more.

In Gratitude

There is no way to truly thank and acknowledge all of the love and care I have received from UUCWC this year, but I want to hold up a deep gratitude for all of you. How does one say goodbye to a place and a … read more.

The Ministry Journey

by Sue Flynn

Many people think that in order to become a UU minister you just need to get your Masters of Divinity from a Seminary and then you are automatically ordained as a minster. All denominations have different requirements but it is now pretty standard … read more.

Notes of a Chaplain

A few summers ago, I was working as a Chaplain at a Catholic hospital in Charleston South Carolina. We were all assigned floors of patients to check up on. The nun in charge of placing us took a while to discern where I should work … read more.

Farewell February

By Susan Flynn, Ministerial Intern

February is a very unique month. It is the shortest month of the year and it often seems to feel longer than it actually is, I always wondered if it is due to the placement of February. Most of the major … read more.

Curiosity Has Not Killed This Cat

“The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing.”  – Albert Einstein

Thinking about living the UU theology, one of the pieces of being a part of the living tradition is the encouragement to have a questioning heart. The Fifth … read more.

The Winter Commute

by Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern

In the winter season, I always delight in the joy of appreciating the contrasts of light, temperature, and seasonal changes in the landscape. My commute to and from work has become an unusual practice of being in the moment, which has … read more.

UUCWC’s Gift for Community

Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern

As the year is coming to a close, I have been reflecting on the cultures of the spiritual communities I have engaged in.  I have been in several Unitarian Universalists communities in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Indiana and a guest … read more.

Introducing the Ministerial Intern Committee

From the Ministerial Intern Committee: Sonia Hardaway, Tim Murphy, Connie Rafle, Michael Waas, Regina Zilinski

We are incredibly pleased and proud that we have Sue Flynn with us here at UUCWC. In the 2016-2017 church year the Ministerial Intern Committee reviewed applications from several potential interns … read more.

Introducing Monthly Vesper Services

by Sue Flynn, Ministerial Intern

“Spiritual” is a word I love. When I use this word, I am speaking to the needs we have as human beings to make meaning in our lives. It is less of a definition and more of a question. Where is … read more.