Remembering September 11, 2001

On this 20th anniversary of the incredible tragedy of September 11th, 2001, it is important to make space for memory and mourning. That day changed the mundanity of a Tuesday, and the perfection of an expansive blue sky.  That day, one world fell away while another … read more.

A message for April

As April marches brightly forward, I want to offer a few reflections and reminders for all of us. 

The continued roll out of vaccines is renewing the energy, relationships, and freedom for many within our community.  We see your joy as you hug your grandchildren and … read more.

Parental Leave Plan

As many of you know, Tara and I will be welcoming our third child in early May. In anticipation of my leave, the Board of Trustees, Personnel and Finance Committees have approved hiring a part time Contract Minister to cover the 12 weeks of … read more.

A Unique Time To Serve

Each spring the Staff and Nominating Committee come to you excited and hopeful about what new leadership might be discovered in the inevitable turnover of committee and ministry positions. We know that congregational life not only requires all of us but invites each of … read more.

A Letter to the President Elect

Four years ago ministers all over the country and from every denomination wondered how they would speak a word of wisdom or hope. In preparation for the uncertainty of these next weeks, I found the sermon I offered you in November, 2016, in the … read more.