Creating Space For Our Joys and Sorrows
by Rev. Kim Wildszewski
At the end of August, we turned the service over to the ritual of Joys & Sorrows, something we hadn’t done in full since March of 2020. You can find the homily I shared to reintroduce us to this beloved tradition below.
Since … read more.
When We Are the Whale in the Jonah Story
This month, I share the Meditation Prayer offered on September 19, 2021 in honor of Yom Kippur, wherein the Jonah story is read each year in Jewish synagogues and homes, and as part of the conclusion of our series on Trauma. The full service is … read more.
Remembering September 11, 2001
On this 20th anniversary of the incredible tragedy of September 11th, 2001, it is important to make space for memory and mourning. That day changed the mundanity of a Tuesday, and the perfection of an expansive blue sky. That day, one world fell away while another … read more.
On Gathering Again
This is an edited excerpt from Rev. Kim’s July 24th sermon on reopening and regathering. You can hear the whole sermon here:
For over a century, UUCWC has been building something beautiful, intricate, vibrant and communal. It has taken the patience and vision … read more.
Update from Rev. Kim: September 12 Worship Service
As you know, our goal since July was to reopen the church for small groups and meetings in August and, with limited attendance and other boundaries, to reopen the sanctuary for Sundays beginning September 12. Because of the rise in positive COVID cases, we were … read more.
Regathering at UUCWC – Update From Rev. Kim
Dear UUCWC members and friends,
It has been a great joy and privilege to lead services from the sanctuary these last two Sundays. I have imagined so many of you there with me, and dreamed of how it will be when we share that and remote … read more.
Reverend yadenee hailu Joins UUCWC Ministerial Team
by Rev. Kim Wildszewski and Sue Saddlemire, Vice President, UUCWC Board of Trustees
As you know, from May 3rd through July 19th, I will be on Parental Leave, meeting and learning our newest child. After the Board of Trustees, Personnel and Finance Committees all supported … read more.
A message for April
As April marches brightly forward, I want to offer a few reflections and reminders for all of us.
The continued roll out of vaccines is renewing the energy, relationships, and freedom for many within our community. We see your joy as you hug your grandchildren and … read more.
Parental Leave Plan
As many of you know, Tara and I will be welcoming our third child in early May. In anticipation of my leave, the Board of Trustees, Personnel and Finance Committees have approved hiring a part time Contract Minister to cover the 12 weeks of … read more.