Greater Good

On Sunday, November 4th, Hannah and I invited the children and adults of UUCWC to consider a different form of gift giving this year.  In an effort to realign the spirit of each of the winter holidays with our actions and the needs of the … read more.

Statement and Letter of Support from Rev. Kim

Statement on Immigration 

The ongoing and increasing attacks against migrants from our leadership and fellow Americans are both heartbreaking and dangerous.  We at the Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing hold firm with the side of love. No person is illegal, however denying asylum seekers a place of … read more.

Who We Are by the Numbers

This past month the staff attempted to better understand who the congregation is (and who we are not) through data and reflection. We found these numbers to not only be interesting but helpful in thinking about our UUCWC community, our assumptions, relationships, and needs.

Current System
… read more.

Welcome Table Wednesdays

Rev. Kimberly Wildszewski

Each year the staff gathers throughout the summer to think wholeheartedly about UUCWC: individual congregants, groups and ministries, anxieties and excitements; the discernment goes on. It is from such conversations that we were able to introduce Faith Forward last year, the Coming into … read more.

Prayer for the Children

There is no need to further open the gaping wound that is our heart these days.  We need not begin this lamentation in the typical fashion; no need to recite all the atrocities for which we weep or wail.  Not all of them.  We don’t … read more.

Shaping our Faith at GA

I haven’t been to General Assembly in six years. The first time I went was the year I was recognized as a fellowshipped minister. Tara stayed home in our Annapolis apartment, seated above the RE classrooms of the church, so we didn’t have to board … read more.

Grief as Courage

When children die, when they are killed, and when they are killed by another child, alive but lost in different ways and for different sins, the soft wild animal of the heart needs a space to grieve.

May you know your ache, your fear, your hopelessness … read more.

Yes, There is a Plan

Because I am a religious professional, I can typically recite Sunday dates for at least three months in advance. Living by the week makes time go quickly. If it’s September that means I’m late to plan for Hanging of the Greens, to getting Caryl my … read more.