Rachel Hansen Rejoins Staff!

Beginning in April, Rachel Hansen has rejoined the UUCWC staff as our Office Assistant. We are delighted to welcome her to our team and members of the congregation can reach her at assistant@uucwc.org starting April 12, 2021. Rachel will be working limited hours … read more.

A message for April

As April marches brightly forward, I want to offer a few reflections and reminders for all of us. 

The continued roll out of vaccines is renewing the energy, relationships, and freedom for many within our community.  We see your joy as you hug your grandchildren and … read more.

Auction 2021: Top 10 Reasons to Participate

10. Auction offerings (spirituality workshops, meals, small social gatherings) are a great way to get to know others and to stay connected.

9. It is “better to give than to receive.” Through the spring auction you can give and receive!

8. Auction proceeds support the annual operating … read more.

Earth Day Events: Saturday April 17th, 2021

10 am: SPRING CLEAN UP Grounds Committee Sponsors the annual work party from 10 am to noon. Following social distancing, with masks, we will rake, weed and generally cleanup the gardens and grounds. Bring your own gloves and tools. Reminder: the church building is closed … read more.

Caryl Tipton Retiring in 2022

The Personnel Committee, Board and staff look forward to celebrating Caryl Tipton’s 30 years at UUCWC and share this statement from Caryl as well as a history of the music program.

A Statement on
Reitrement from Caryl Tipton, Director of Music Ministry

I will … read more.

UUCWC to donate to UUA’s Texas Relief Fund

UUCWC’s Council for Faith In Action quickly responds!  The UU DISASTER RELIEF FUND and our Southern Region staff are working diligently to assist UU congregations and their communities impacted by the severe winter weather and extended power outages across Texas. The First UU Church of … read more.

Environmental Task Force of the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice Educational Links

The Environmental Task Force of the Unitarian Universalist for Social Justice shared with our Earth Ministry the following educational pieces:

Plastic waste http://www.uusforsocialjustice.org/Environment/PLASTIC%20WASTE_FranRead100620.pdfFeeding Hungry Cities http://www.uusforsocialjustice.org/Environment/FeedingOurHungryCitiesRead.htm

See more educational offers from the Total Environmental Task Force at … read more.