UUCWC Sunday Service Schedule for December 2019

The Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing will hold a single service on each Sunday of December 2019, at 10am, instead of two services at 9:00am and 11:00am.

A family oriented and participatory Nativity Pageant service will take place on Sunday, December 22 at … read more.

Holiday Service Schedule

Special Service Times Announced for 2019

December 22 – 10:00am
Born In Bethlehem: A Christmas Pageant

Come join us for a participatory nativity pageant during our family Christmas service. Only a few roles are cast in advance of the service, the rest of the at least … read more.

A Note About Sabbatical from Rev. Kim

(Sabbatical starts December 25, 2019 and ends May 3, 2020)


As I
begin my 6th year of ministry with you, I am amazed at how time,
trust and open hearts has allowed us to grow together.  In preparation for my sabbatical this winter,
I catch myself missing my … read more.

Making a Difference in November

November is fast approaching and that means Thanksgiving and the beginning of our season of plenty. There are many nearby who aren’t as fortunate. You can help them by participating in two Social Action Projects that enable you to share with those in need: Thanksgiving … read more.