Welcome to Rev. Sue Goodwin!

I am thrilled to announce that as of July 1, the Rev. Sue Goodwin will begin serving as our Minister of Congregational Life!

Many of you are familiar with Rev. Sue’s energy, maturity and open-hearted theology. Sue has been a frequent guest preacher here at UUCWC, … read more.

Food Ministry July Donations

A-D: Boneless Chicken Thighs/Breast
E-G: Frozen Mixed Veggies
H-L: Fruit Cups
M-P: Granola Bars
Q-T: Chicken broth/stock, unsalted or low salt
U-Z: Ritz Crackers

Report of the UUCWC Board of Trustees: 2018-2019 Church Year

by Marianne Chopp Alt, President

Our Board of Trustees is the nine-person elected governing body of this religious community. The Board’s governance philosophy delegates decision-making authority to individual ministries and committees so it can focus on:

Financial stewardship
Goal-Setting and implementing the Strategic Plan
Creating and overseeing Church Policies
Overseeing … read more.

UU Summer Camps and Events

UU Summer Camps and Events

Looking for something to do this summer? Check out the options listed here!

Central East Region Summer Institute: July 7 – 13

Are you excited about Building a Vocal community this July?  Registration is now open for CERSI – the Central East Region … read more.

Grounds Clean Up Day – April 27

It’s that time of year when the church grounds need a little tender loving care, and we are hoping you will join the Grounds Committee a.k.a FUN BUNCH,  in preparing our church grounds for the busy spring and summer seasons .  We need to clean … read more.