Calling Community Volunteers! Information Needed!

by Sallie Dunner, Chair, Council for Faith in Action

Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” – (Sherry Anderson)

The living tradition of Unitarian Universalism calls some of us to participate or volunteer in local community organizations and causes outside of church. … read more.

Our Covenant of Right Relations

From the Right Relations Committee

One aspect of a healthy congregation is having respectful ways in which we interact with one another. This responsibility is up to each of us by abiding by our Covenant of Right Relations. Our Covenant guides how we wish to behave … read more.

Service as a Spiritual Practice

by Ana DelCorazon, Congregational Life Coordinator

In my time at UUCWC, I’ve seen a trend in how newcomers grow into regulars. After an initial period of getting to know the church and its members, they start to make it their own. For some people at that … read more.