Meet Your New Board Members

At the 2017 UUCWC Annual Meeting we elected five new Board of Trustees members; Marianne Alt (President), Nathalie Edmond, Patrick Kahney, John Ueng-McHale and Colin Unsworth. Each of them brings a unique perspective and set of skills to the board enhancing the talents of continuing … read more.

Wake Now Our Vision Campaign: Legacy Opportunity

UUCWC has an exciting opportunity to take advantage of special funding that would strengthen/enhance our financial stability for the future!

Further to the brief introduction at our Annual Congregational Meeting, the Endowment Committee would like to provide more details about the Wake Now Our Vision Campaign … read more.

Join the Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge has begun! This summer, we are exploring more intentionally the vast, rich territory of books by and about people of color. Capitalizing on the concept of summer reading, this is a low-pressure read-a-thon, where we set our own goals and read … read more.

LGBTQ+ Potluck & Group Forming

UUCWC has a long history as a Welcoming Congregation; embracing and providing space for the LGBTQ+ community for decades. In this tradition, new efforts are underway to gather LGBTQ+ members and friends of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Over twenty members of all ages … read more.

At the 2017 Annual Meeting, We Faced Our Growth

Congregational growth — and how we can harness it for good internally and beyond our walls — was a recurring theme at the UUCWC Annual Meeting, June 4. Ninety-nine members attended the meeting, exceeding the count for a quorum.

Three of the board’s goals this year … read more.

Racial Justice Initiative Update; Discussion on May 23

The Racial Justice Initiative (RJI) is concluding its second church year.  This year focused on congregants participating in Beloved Conversations curriculum, Black Lives Matter information meetings and listening circles, the formation of a People of Color circle that meets monthly, discussion and approval of a … read more.