June Food Needs

The meal for HomeFront and Luther Arms in June is:
Pasta & Meat Sauce, Garden Salad, Bread/Rolls, Butter & Dessert.
Donations needed for the hot meals are:
Ziti or Penne pasta, & 85% Ground Beef.
Donations needed for the supper sandwich bags are:
100% juice boxes, fruit cups, & … read more.

Listening Circles about Proposed Bylaws Change

On June 3, 2018, UUCWC members will vote at the annual meeting on proposed Bylaw changes.  The Bylaws to which change is proposed are those regarding Public Expression, specifically Article III Congregation, Section 3 and Article VII  The Ministry, Section 1.  The current Bylaws and … read more.

Loaves and Fishes 2018 – March 30 & 31

For more than 30 years, UUCWC and the Princeton UU Congregation have joined together to feed 600 working poor and homeless people once per year.
There are two phases to this effort:
On Friday night March 30, we’ll make 600 bagged lunches (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) … read more.

RJI Praxis Group Update – March 2018

by Dan Tuft, Co-Chair, Racial Justice Initiative

3. Interfaith/Intercongregational Partnership. The congregation cultivates cultural and spiritual humility, develops deep and mutually-fulfilling partnerships with other faith communities and coalitions working for racial justice.

The above assessment point was the focus of our January 2018 Praxis Group meeting. While … read more.

MUUsic for UU – March 10

Where can you hear six Unitarian Universalist Choirs plus our own Crossings Chorale in one place? Right here at UUCWC!
On Sunday, March 10th the 4th Annual UU MUUsic Festival will be held in the Sanctuary at UUCWC. You’ll be able to hear many styles of … read more.