Outdoor Adventure – Hike march 10th

On Sunday March 10th (weather permitting) Geri Koblis will lead a hike through the Billy Johnson – Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve in Princeton.

Trails are through meadows and old forest. This is easy to moderate hiking with gentle inclines.  Prepare for muddy areas … read more.

New Parking Lot Layout and Information

At long last, construction on the new parking lot is finished! Please use the parking lot layout map below for information on where to park until all the markers have been placed.  Please do not park in or block the entrance and exit areas.  On … read more.

A Personal View From a New Board Member

by Nina Todor, Trustee

I have attended many committees meetings before for church and work, never a board so this was something new for me…At the first meeting I was immediately struck by the efficiency of the meetings; the agenda is followed (amazing) there is a … read more.