Choosing Action Over Despair: Making a Difference in 2025

By Maria Barrata, Board of Trustees

Like most people, I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. They seem to be generated in response to some form of guilt. Even if I resolve to do something as simple as taking a minute of my day to reflect on things that make me grateful, this starts from a frame of reference in which I’m failing to be grateful. 

This year feels different. Given the state of our world and our country, I feel a responsibility to resolve to do something. Yes, I already make sustaining contributions to institutions and organizations that do good work in this world, like our very own UUCWC. But now, in addition to my financial contributions, I want to make a bigger contribution of my time and effort and select one thing, one organization, one cause that is trying to make the world a little better. 

I encourage others to do the same. Maybe it’s a commitment to volunteer at a local animal shelter, or help with Monday night Homefront activities. Maybe it is a commitment to attend monthly school board or town/township council meetings so that you can advocate for underrepresented voices in your local community. Maybe it’s deciding to run for a local public office.

There is one ‘something’ that each member of our community can do that will make a difference. That is to participate in our upcoming visioning process. By completing a simple open-ended survey question and, just as importantly, participating in our visioning workshop planned for Feb 2, 2025, each of us is dedicating some time to doing something with long-term value.  

The results of November’s election put me in a deep funk and made me realize that it is self-indulgent to give in to despair. After all, I still live in this wonderful world, no matter the chaos or division being sown. Why not commit to resisting the chaos by doing something meaningful?

As a long-term member at UUCWC and as someone serving on the Board of Trustees, I see just how significant it is when like-minded people decide to work together to make good things happen. We have our work cut out for the next four years. Committing to doing something is the start of making the world a better place. The next time you see me at coffee hour or in a Zoom session, let’s talk about that one thing we plan on doing this year to make a difference. I would love to hear about your plans.