Rev. Jason Shelton (composer of Standing on the Side of Love and other pieces we sing) is presenting a choral workshop on August 25. Nine people from choir are going. I thought you might be interested too.
Workshop: Cycle of Song
Presenter: Rev. Jason Shelton
Saturday, August 25th 9:30 – 5:00
UU Congregation at Montclair
This program is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, NJ
Come celebrate the release of Cycle of Song: Anthems for Small UU Church Choirs (Vol. 1) with composer/conductor Rev. Jason Shelton!
This collection of eight brand new anthems for the seasons of the church year is written with the needs of the smaller choir in mind. We’ll spend the day exploring this new music with Jason, ending the day with a public performance of the pieces.
Rev. Jason Shelton is an award-winning composer, arranger, conductor,singer, multi-instrumentalist, workshop and retreat leader. He is the composer of “Answering the Call of Love” and other music we sing. He served the First Unitarian Universalist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, for 19 years and he is now a freelance minister of music, working to grow our capacity to sing our UU faith.