Climate & Social Justice Dialogues: Opportunities to Change the World Together

By Leslie McGeorge, Barbara Drew, and Sandee Steinberg, Earth and Climate Ministry

The Council for Faith in Action (CFA) invites you to participate in our church’s Climate & Social Justice Congregational Dialogues on Saturday, March 22nd at UUCWC. UUs in over 400 congregations throughout the country have held these workshops at their places of worship as part of the national UU Climate Justice Revival. UUCWC began its Revival in September of last year, with an earth-based Worship Service here and Advocacy Hour. The March 22nd Dialogues continue UUCWC’s Climate Justice Revival.

Register here by March 12th to participate in the March 22nd in-person or online program.

Climate disruption is ravishing our world with extreme heat, droughts, wildfires, sea level rise, more intense storms, and flooding. Some people and areas are known to be disproportionately impacted than others. We will explore how we can reduce climate impacts by deepening the connections in our church and larger communities between climate justice and other social justice areas, (e.g., racial, economic, disability, food insecurity). What strategic intersectional climate justice actions could UUCWC consider with local partners to help meet community needs?

Attend in-person or virtually and lend your thoughts and ideas. Join us at 9:45 a.m. for coffee, tea, and community. The UU-designed workshop starts at 10:00 a.m., facilitated by Marianne Alt and Regina Zilinski. Lunch will be provided, and the program will conclude at 2:30 p.m. 

The Dialogues will unite all interested UUCWC adults and youth (high school age and over). The workshop will include representatives from across our ministries and teams, including CFA’s Earth and Climate Ministry, Racial Justice, Food Ministry, and Faith Expression Funding Team.

For UU information regarding Climate Justice as Social Justice, view the UU videos or visit the UU Climate Justice Revival website. View the video recording and slides for background information from the UUCWC 2024 expert session on the basics of Climate Change and What You Can Do.

Complementing the Dialogues, please consider participating in the UUCWC common read and discussion of the book: Climate Change is Racist: Race, Privilege and the Struggle for Climate Justice, by Jeremy Williams on Tuesday, March 11th 7-8:30 p.m. Led by Pam Shadzik, Marianne Alt, and Regina Zilinski, the book discussion will be offered in-person at UUCWC and via Zoom. Please RSVP to Robin Pugh ( if interested in attending.

 For more info on the March 22nd Climate Dialogues, please contact Earth and Climate Ministry at