Congregational Engagement Fall Planning Update

Hope you are having a nourishing summer.

Congregational Engagement invites you to save the date for Saturday, September 24th from 11 am to 2 pm. We are planning a multiplatform gathering to begin the church year. Some topics on our agenda: yummy potluck and casual conversation; what is Congregational Engagement and how is it different from Nominating; revisiting simple church concept; continuing to embed the 8th principle in all that we do; and ways to engage in different ways. Congregational Engagement continues to invite people to complete the survey of interests if you haven’t already this year. The survey helps us keep track of what people are interested in and how they are currently active in church life. No worries if you fill it out more than once as information can change from year to year. Look here for the survey.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to us at