This summer and early fall I have had the privilege of working more closely with some committees and ministries than my schedule typically allows. In July I was with the Right Relations Committee where we began to think of covenanting as a practice, and where we wondered how we were accountable to and in service of the larger UUCWC mission. I left that evening feeling as fed as if I had gone to church; wisdom and song and heartache and hope all shared and made purposeful.
In August I was with the new Stewardship Committee. Long-term members and brand-new members and even one not-yet-member discussing themes and goals and data and process. The energy in that room was as if we were discussing the best ice cream flavor ever or the most miraculous moment in college basketball. I left that evening feeling as fed as if I had gone to church; joyful surprise, trusting that I didn’t need to hold it all, excited by the connections I was watching coming to life.
In September I met with the newly restructured Council for Faith in Action. There, representatives from the Racial Justice Ministry, Faith Action Ministry, Social Action Ministry, and the newly named / newly restructured Faith Expression and Funding Team all gathered around the big table in room 202. We had been working up to this moment. We had meetings throughout the spring to get to this meeting. I spoke too fast. My notes were insufficient. I wanted it to be perfect, controlled, clear. Instead, it was as if I had gone to church that evening; creativity and collaboration were alive. Something else took hold. We were cheering each other on.
It has been an exciting and rejuvenating summer for me while working with these groups. And I am not the only one on staff who is reporting back the joy, awe and humility that comes with working with the leadership of this congregation. As we kick off another fall season at UUCWC, I hope we will all stay curious about the new ways ministry will unfold here, even by groups with the same old names. I am so grateful for the way this congregation creates church wherever it is.
Read more about the newly restructured Council for Faith in Action.