In this continuing time of Covid, we are still doing church, continuing to seek to Create Community, Celebrate Life, Change the World. We are presently in Medium Risk Status: UUCWC’s church building is open in accordance with our latest Regathering Guidelines. Our multi-platform Sunday services may be attended in person or online.
Welcome to CrossCurrents! Your comments are welcome at
In this issue:
Spring is in the Air at UUCWC, by Michael Waas, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Sing into Spring! Auction 2022: There’s Something For Everybody!,
by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
General Assembly 2022: Meet in the Moment: Imagining Radical Faith Community,
by Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
Earth Day: A TIme to Celebrate and Act (and Take Home a Native Plant),
by Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Earth Ministry
UUCWC Joins in Aid to Ukraine, by Holly Bussey, Faith Expression Funding Team Liaison
Earth Ministry Dissects Bill Gates’ Climate Book, Update, by the Earth Ministry Team
Capital Campaign Update, by Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
Food Ministry’s Luther Arms Appeal Needs Your Donations, by Christine Piatek, Food Ministry Team
Spring Is In the Air at UUCWC
Michael Waas, Trustee, UUCWC Board of Trustees
Spring often feels like it holds the promise of new life. We see the signs of new growth – buds are emerging on tree branches, the forsythia is in full bloom, and, since this is New Jersey, the odd minor snow flurry or cold snap (of course!).
This spring also holds so many promising signs of new growth for UUCWC and the Board of Trustees has been focused on the various ways this new growth is manifesting. Some of the key highlights and conversations have been:
• coordinating with the Capital Campaign to finalize plans for the long awaited changes to our physical church home;
• supporting the work of the congregational engagement committee to continue developing meaningful ways for all to be part of, and be sustained by, UUCWC;
• encouraging the work of the Stewardship committee to make this year’s pledge campaign sufficiently support our goals for growth;
• embracing the joy of being regularly back in person while also planning for and embracing UUCWC’s ongoing growth as a multi-platform community; and
• supporting the work of the personnel committee and Rev. Kim to hire and onboard new roles (Director of Faith Engagement, Transitional Music Director, and Controller).
This is indeed an exciting time of transition, growth, and new life, both at UUCWC and in nature.
Sing into Spring! Auction 2022: There’s Something For Everybody!
Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Auction Committee
The much anticipated UUCWC Spring Auction, “Sing into Spring,” is right around the corner! Now’s the time to look ahead and plan your participation in this fundraising and fun-raising, event. Online bidding opens Saturday, April 30, at 9:00 am, and continues through Saturday, May 7, ending promptly at 11:59 pm.
You’re invited to two Auction Events in the UUCWC Crossings Room:
• Auction Kick-off on Sunday, April 17, 11 am:
Auction Book distribution
Door Prizes and Raffle Baskets!
Display of Featured Items!
•Auction Preview Party on Sunday, April 24, 11 am:
Entertainment & Refreshments!
Display of Items!
Door Prizes and Raffle Baskets!
Auction Book distribution
Online Demo/Registration Assistance
In addition to previewing auction items at these events, you can review the entire array of 200+ items in the professionally printed auction book, which will also be available on the UUCWC website on April 17.
The online auction site will also include a graphic representation of each item being offered. Map out your auction bidding strategy by selecting the items you’d like, prioritizing them and reviewing the instructions.
Take a sneak peek at some of the appealing items that can be yours. Read more here…
General Assembly 2022: Meet in the Moment: Reimagining Radical Faith Community
Holly Bussey, Liaison, Denominational Affairs
General Assembly (GA), the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), is an experience every Unitarian Universalist (UU) should have at least once! Participants at GA worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through the democratic process. GA is an opportunity to bring UUCWC to the larger movement and to bring the movement back home to us. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to have voting delegates.
Spend a few days with a ‘city’ full of UUs in this year’s venue—Portland, Oregon! Or, attend virtually, as both options are available in 2022. Last year, GA had more than 4,000 registered attendees participate from remote locations around the world. Even in the absence of face-to-face interaction and hugs that are prevalent when we meet in-person, the last two virtual GAs were both meaningful and successful. For those who enjoyed the convenience and accessibility of remote participation, GA will continue to offer robust virtual programming and enhanced delegate discussion tools. For those who have been missing the physical experience, GA 2022 will also feature face-to-face interactions, hanging banners, a browsable exhibit hall, meals with friends old and new, local site attractions, and more! Join us June 22-26, 2022, online or in-person, in Portland. This year’s theme is Meet in the Moment: Reimagining Radical Faith Community. Read more here…
Earth Day: Time to Celebrate and Act (and Take Home A Native Plant)
Barbara Drew, Co-chair, Earth Ministry
On Sunday, April 24, in honor of Earth Day, UUCWC’s worship service with guest minister, Rev. Megan Lynes, and climate activist Nazish Riaz, titled “When All Life Depends On It” will focus on stories of determination, courage and positive change from the perspective of people living in almost uninhabitable places. This year marks the 52nd anniversary of the first Earth Day…but every day is Earth Day! The social justice portion of the affirmation plate for April 24th will support the Unitarian Universalist (UU) Ministry for Earth, an independent affiliated organization of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) that addresses climate change, our most pressing environmental issue. The UU Ministry for Earth works towards environmental social justice by helping UUs relate their lives to the living Earth, environmental justice and future generations. Consider making a special donation earmarked for this day and this organization.
After the Earth Day service, please find members of the Earth Ministry Team for a plant give-away by the Crossings Room door. Read more about the plants here…
Be sure to help with land stewardship efforts and participate in one or both of the two following cleanups:
• Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space’s (FoHVOS) clean up on Sat. April 9th. In support of the commitment our church made as a River-Friendly organization please join us on April 9th to help keep Hopewell Township clean! Clean Communities Day is an opportunity for groups and individuals to raise money for the nonprofit of their choice while helping clean up Hopewell Valley! Register at the FoHVOS web site.
• UUCWC Grounds Cleanup on Saturday, April 30th, starting at 1 pm (so you can participate in the online Auction which begins that morning!) Bring your own gloves, and water thermos. Some tools and a list of tasks will be provided. One of the tasks will be to weed and check on last year’s Earth Day tree and shrub plantings!
UUCWC Joins in Aid to Ukraine
Holly Bussey, Liaison, Faith Expression Funding Team
For the past month, UUCWC’s Council for Faith in Action (CFA), has been raising funds to go towards efforts coordinated by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). The UUSC had just identified two organizations in Ukraine for our support: Hungarian Helsinki Committee and FemFund. Read more here about these organizations.
Contributions will be sent to the UUSC on behalf of UUCWC at the end of this month. This is a separate ask from other CFA initiatives. Please be as generous as you can. Send a check via mail or use PayPal, indicating the donation is for “UKRANIAN RELIEF.” CFA will report on UUCWC’s total gift. The deadline for this effort is April 30. The need continues.
Questions: Contact Holly Bussey, FEFT, at
Earth Ministry Dissects Bill Gates’ Climate Book
Last month’s CrossCurrents reported on the Earth Ministry’s review of Bill Gates’ book How to Avoid A Climate Disaster. The article has been updated to include a report and review of all the chapters of the book. Read more here.
Capital Campaign Update
Jayme Trott, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
Status: Architectural drawings have been provided to 5 potential contractors who have expressed interest in working on the project. Due date for bids was April 4.
We have reached out to Hopewell Township to see if a full review will be required and are awaiting a response.
History of the Capital Campaign as well as latest plans and schematics are posted on the church website and can be viewed here. The webpage is a work in progress but should give everyone a consistent source for up-to-date information on the project as we move forward.
Timeline: We anticipate being able to select a contractor by mid-late April. Permitting should be completed by end of May (or sooner if full review is not required), and ground-breaking likely in June 2022. The sanctuary will be accessible throughout construction. Read more here…
Food Ministry’s Luther Arms Appeal Needs Your Donations
Christine Piatek, Food Ministry Team
Two years and more of the life-altering Covid pandemic have not impacted the commitment of the Food Ministry (FM) to its local constituents. FM quickly pivoted from delivering hot meals prepared in our church kitchen to providing bags of shelf-stable meals to long-time partner, HomeFront, and to Luther Arms Senior Housing in Trenton (Luther Arms). In addition, FM has continued financial contributions to numerous organizations.
The congregation has responded generously to previous FM appeals for donations of shelf stable food items for Luther Arms. Starting on Easter Sunday, April 17th and continuing until May 1st, FM is asking for donations of three specific shelf-stable food items (juice boxes, oatmeal packets, and fruit cups) for Luther Arms. These donations can be brought to church on Sundays (April 17, 24 and May 1) before and directly after the Sunday service, and on Tuesdays (April 19 and 26), during the hours of 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. A labelled collection bin will be placed in the main lobby for receipt of the items starting on April 17th. Sign up here to let FM know what you will be donating. FM is so grateful for the generosity of the congregation.
Read UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Connect with UU Faith Action, New Jersey’s issues and social justice advocacy voice, connecting New Jersey UU congregations.
Important reminder for our New Jersey members and friends about the plastic bag ban starting in early May:


Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
268 Washington Crossing Pennington Road, Titusville NJ 08560
609-737-0515 | |